The Bus shelter was my most successful project at university excluding my major work. The 3rd year class on design innovation wanted us to make bus shelters more aesthetically appealing and help us develop our materials selection and sheet metal design skills.

2 days before our assignment was due, our tutors agreed to have a quick meeting with each team and when we presented our design, they pretty much told us it was unmanufacturable. So straight after that meeting, I took our original concept and redesigned the entire thing in 18 hours. I stuck with the same shape and style, but completely remade every part in SolidWorks, including designing fasteners, hinges and adding bolts. The entire roof of the bus shelter is actually 1 piece of metal, formed into the roof shape with SolidWorks’ sheet metal tool. Surviving on caffeine, I finished the design at 6am the next morning and handed it off to the rest of my team to do all our engineering drawings.

We ended up topping the class, having the best model (which I constructed piece by piece) and the most manufacturable design. We were even invited to Widevision 2021 where I was able to showcase the model we made.

1st keyboard build